#31 The Value of Assessment
Should you go to assessment? Are there viable alternatives? What are the judges even listening for? How do we use assessment to further our musical goals? All this and more in this episode!
#30 Sight Reading at Assessment
We’re back!
Here are some quick tips to make your sight reading a success at assessment!
#29 Student Teaching
We chat with 3 teachers with various levels of experience about the process of student teaching and how it does and doesn't prepare you for the gig!
#28 Playing at State Conference
This year, my school (Shelburne Middle School) was picked to play at our state conference. I invited legends Harry Farmer from Blacksburg MS and Scott Allred from Fieldale-Collinsville MS on the show for advice and guidance.
#27 How to Ace an Interview
Perspectives on interviews from Alan Shull, Principal of Fort Defiance High school, and Barry Flowe, former Curriculum Supervisor of Hanover County.
#25 Recruitment and Retention with Jeff Scott
Jeff’s Bio - https://www.giamusic.com/store/artists/jeff-scott
Jeff’s Clinic Handout - https://www.giamusic.com/pdf/G-8619HO1.pdf
Pick of the Week
March to Castle Rock by Steve Hodges
Published by Alfred
Buy/Listen - https://www.jwpepper.com/March-to-Castle-Rock/2398238.item
#24 Work-Life Balance, Can it be done?
Pick of the Week
Danza de Espana by Carol Brittin Chambers
Published by Carl Fischer
Buy/Listen - Click Here
#23 Flute Pedagogy with Helen Blackburn
Helen Blackburn’s Contact Info
Helen’s Handout, “Proper Care and Feeding of your Beginning Flute Class”
Pick of the Week
Stormchasing by William Owens
Published by FJH
Listen/Buy: https://bit.ly/3CEWPEZ
#22 2021 Perspectives: a Veteran and a Newbie
Pick of the Week
Rise of the Bladesmith by Brian Balmages
Published by FJH Music Company Inc.
Listen/Buy: Click here!
#21 Conducting Honor Bands with Arris Golden and Tiffany Hitz
Show Notes
Tiffany conducting a virtual honor band (at the 9:10 mark) - https://youtu.be/WN4_Xe7cTho?t=547
Pick of the Week
The Machine Awakes by Steven Bryant
Listen/buy - https://www.stevenbryant.com/news/the-machine-awakes-music-for-young-band-electronics
#20 Fine Arts Administration with Annamarie Bollino
Click here for a transcript of the show
Pick of the week
Thunder Dragon by Michael Story
Published by Alfred.
Buy/Listen: https://bityl.co/7IlW
This work is based on a song from the southern Asian country of Bhutan. There are four contrasting variations that are meant to paint a picture of thunderstorms that cascade down the Himalayas.
This piece opens with beautiful chant-like sections including an extended low brass feature right off the bat. The arrangement grows in layers as the piece goes on and grants a complex image of Bhutanese life.
#19 Teaching and Composing with Gary Fagan
Show Notes
Full Transcript: Click here for Word File
On Streets of Gold by Fagan - https://www.alfred.com/on-streets-of-gold/p/00-33865/
Algorhythms by Fagon - https://www.jwpepper.com/Algorhythms/10027029.item
James River Music - https://jamesrivermusicva.com/
Beginning Band Pick of the Week
Clarinets Packing up Early by Gary Fagan
Published by Alfred
Buy/Listen - https://www.jwpepper.com/Clarinets-Packing-Up-Early/10453089.item
Video of a performance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxA7MvqQcKU
#18 Starting Bassoon with Natalie Law
Natalie’s Youtube Channel: https://ytube.io/3Faq
Mazama by J. Chattaway: https://bityl.co/5uqq
Beginning Band Pick of the Week
Cyclone by Michael Oare
Published by Musicworks
Buy/Listen: https://bityl.co/5uqn
#17 Returning to In-Person Learning!
Link to our COVID Guidelines: https://ggle.io/3oIl
Link to playing flute with mask video: https://ytube.io/3E78
Another flute option: https://ytube.io/3E79
Warmups with a Beat: https://www.theflyingbaton.com/store/p/warmups-with-a-beat
Beginning Band Pick of the Week
Drive by Mark Williams
Published by Alfred
Buy/Listen: https://bityl.co/5LKt
#15 Surviving Week 1 - Tales from Teaching Band Online
Show Notes
Music Tech Links - https://buildingbeats.org/toolbox
Screenshot of Lesson Log - Click here
HP Monitor with Adjustable Stand - https://tinyurl.com/yxbz7upl
Beginning Band Pick of the Week
Due to the length of this episode and how fast we wanted to push it out, this segment will return for the next episode!
#14 More CU Boulder aerosol results with Tehya Stockman!
Video Version - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=289123912381617
Guest Bio - Click here
Secondary Results PDF: https://www.nfhs.org/articles/second-round-of-performing-arts-aerosol-study-produces-encouraging-preliminary-results
Preliminary Results PDF: https://www.nfhs.org/media/4029952/preliminary-testing-report-7-13-20.pdf
NPR interview with Shelly Miller: https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/07/15/coronavirus-indoor-air-conditioning
Study Shelly Miller co-authored about the choir outbreak: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.15.20132027v2
CU Boulder article: https://www.colorado.edu/today/2020/07/09/experts-weigh-airborne-transmission-covid-19